Last week, we held an opportunistic club meeting/dinner/happy hour at Jose’s in Springdale (Ole’ for Jose’s!). “Opportunistic” because we all are so incredibly busy and rarely can all attend a club function at the same time. Thanks to K5PO for sending a group text asking if we were free for dinner.
Even Chief Attendance Officer Steve K5OY made it! Joking aside, it was great that Steve was there, because Andy K5PO had been keeping his celebrity crush on Steve under wraps for some time now. One frozen margarita later and Andy was telling Steve how he was “the weatherman of my childhood.” For many years, Steve was the top-rated meteorologist in the Northwest Arkansas television market. He’s moved on to bigger things now, but Andy couldn’t let it go. “You spoke at my school, dude!”
We discussed the upcoming club calendar. We hope at least one of us can make it to these events:
- Joplin hamfest on August 22
- Deer Island activation on Beaver Lake, as part of the U.S. Islands Award Program QSO party on August 29
- Arkansas QSO Party dedicated station as WR5P on September 12
- Field Day 2016: June 25 (Gotta get that one on everyone’s calendar NOW or it won’t happen)
As a result of our scheduling conflicts of late, we discussed a new club slogan: “When All Else Fails… So Do We.”
- The Noise Blankers Radio Group
- Nathan K5KAC
- Steve K5OY seems disappointed in the cheese dip.
- Andy K5PO
- Kevin K5KVN