The Noise Blankers Radio Group met at Jose’s Mexican Restaurant in Springdale, Arkansas, on October 16, 2013.
Present: Gary WBØRUR, Andy K5PO, Kevin K5KVN, Nathan K5KAC
Also present: a briefcase, a collection of Army figurines, a WW2 helmet, various handie-talkies
Not present: Steve K5OY (Chief Attendance Officer)
The waitress took the food order. Note: K5PO choose the “Taco Party.” This large festive tray of taco meat and toppings is intended for multiple persons; however Andy ate it solo. Several alcoholic beverages were also selected by the club members.
Having a quorum, the club began the business portion of the meeting.
The club agreed again this year to support event communications for Wreaths Across America, December 14, 2013, at the U.S. National Cemetery in Fayetteville, Ark. (This non-profit event helps place memorial wreaths on headstones at all U.S. National Cemeteries world-wide.) Radio support is vital to the loading and unloading of shuttle buses at the Fayetteville event. Attendees are transported from a nearby college parking lot to the cemetery due to parking constraints. [Read last year’s report]
All members agreed with Fred’s son, Travis, that hand grenades make a cool explosion.
An issue with the club’s promotional window stickers was brought up by WBØRUR. The stickers seems to be peeling apart. However, this is now no longer an issue as he discovered another sticker he had forgotten about while cleaning the shack.
Attempting to hone finely crafted radio skills after years of neglect, WBØRUR and K5KVN tried the “cross-band” repeat function set up by K5KVN on his Kenwood D-700. Using two of the “Amazing $31 Baofeng handie-talkies,” the group was able to use K5KVN’s very expensive vehicle and thousands of dollars worth of radio equipment sitting in the parking lot to talk across the table. RUR asked KVN to “pass the salsa” via 440 in and 144 out. K5KVN communicated that “we are out of salsa” via 144 in and 440 out. In all, the cross band function was deemed a success and it was agreed that this new-found ability will come in handy for the Wreaths Across America event.
It was agreed by all club members present that Hitler died in a bunker from either a cyanide capsule or gunshot wounds. The group seemed evenly divided on this question, although no one felt compelled to use our collective hundreds of dollars in smart phones and Google it. We agreed that Eva Braun (like the shaver) was with him.
Treasurer K5KVN reported the club is running a deficit due to a number of expenses, such as web hosting. We agreed to raise the debt ceiling until February 1, 2014, and everything should be ok. It was collectively agreed upon that K5KVN should once again win the ARRL national video contest ($250 second prize) award so we can have at least some sort of funding.
Brief conversations about K5PO’s Elecraft K-3 and K5KVN’s FT-DX3000, K5KAC’s dipole.
It was noted that K5KVN needs a tower.
There was additional conversation about how Hitler would have handled setting up his personal computer to use Logbook of the World.
The club currently has no gear for sale. Members are in a constant “acquiring” state.
As another round of drinks arrived, club conversation turned to ██████████████ sitting across the room and the ██████ with the ███ ███. All agreed that ARRL needed to ██████ ███ █████████ – preferably ███████████████ – and do it by the Spring of 2014.
K5KAC mentioned he had a bad case of █████████ and the group would enjoy seeing ██████ before he goes to the physician. Photos were taken.
WBØRUR excused himself to go ████████████ on the ███. When he returned, he also ███ and ████ed.
It was agreed that Hitler would not █████████ nor would he ██████, but it was thought he would probably ██████ before he █████ with Eva Braun. At this point, someone jumped up and ███ on the ███████, before knocking over his ██████ and offending the █████ sitting two tables away.
Because K5OY missed yet another club event, it was decided that he should ███████████████ with much vigor.
It was agreed by all that the meeting should adjourn before the group was escorted out.
Respectfully submitted by club president WBØRUR.