(Not the actual trophy awarded to The Noise Blankers)
NORTHWEST Ark.; April 9, 2013 — Today the ARRL announced The Noise Blankers Radio Group won 2nd place in the 2013 QST Video Contest. Kevin K5KVN submitted our video from the K5H Horseshoe Island Activation and the club was quite surprised that the League thought it was good.
“This is a highly unusual thing for us, as we’ve only received ‘participation’ ribbons for most everything we’ve ever done in life,” said Noise Blankers President Gary WBØRUR. “I’m embarrassed to say that Kevin hung up on the ARRL the first time they called, assuming that anyone wanting to give us an award must be a prank caller.”
Read the announcement from the ARRL: http://www.arrl.org/news/qst-announces-video-contest-winners
And here is the award-winning video:
UPDATE: We made it into the June 2013 QST! Here’s what it looks like on page 46. That’s K5PO in the green shirt.