For more than 20 years, the Arkansas QSO Party (ARQP) was chaired by Don Banta K5DB in some form or fashion. He single-handedly revived the state’s QSO Party many years ago and grew it to be a premier event with increasing participation each year.
Don asked us to take over the management of the QSO Party and we are thrilled to do so. We’ve been googling for days things like, “What is a QSO Party” and “How to tell if you know what you’re doing” and “How to not mess up a perfectly good QSO Party.”
Check out the new ARQP website at www.arkqp.com complete with a new logo designed by K5KVN’s XYL. We’re learning as we go and have Don on speed dial for the inevitable questions we’ll have.
Nicely done KVN! Great job on the site!