HamCom in Irving, Texas, was great. Andy K5PO, Gary WB0RUR, and Kevin K5KVN represented the Noise Blankers this year. Per strict club bylaws, all of the Noise Blankers cannot be at the same hamfest. This is a security precaution similar to “Designated Successor” rule used by the U.S. Government. Nathan K5KAC was the chosen one this time and remained at an undisclosed location in what we guess was Madison County, Arkansas.
The flea market area was well-attending, the vendor booths looked great and the forums were good. The weather was good, too.
WB0RUR picked up a new V/U mobile radio, and K5KVN and K5PO both picked up new radio mounts.
The convention was in the Irving Convention Center, which turned out to be a fantastic facility. Read K5PO’s post about it here, where he challenges our hobby to make HamCom the biggest ham radio event in the U.S. Makes a lot of sense to us. See you there next year!
HAMFEST SCORE: 9 out of 10
- A portion of the booth area
- Gary WB0RUR checks out a radio
- Elecraft booth
- Salvation Army SATERN vehicle
- Um, I didn’t bring enough cash.
- Good-looking floor space.
- The K1N Navassa Island presentation was great.
- The Reddit/Twitter tweetup group (L to R) K5KVN, W0EA, K5WL, WB0RUR, K5PO
- Escalator ride
- One last selfie
- Gary WBØRUR (left) and Kevin K5KVN (right) look over some very important paperwork on what must have been an important piece of gear.
- Floor space
- Good eats! Small lines!
- Vendor booth
- Gary WBØRUR, fantasizing about owning that radio. It’ll never happen, Gary.
- Kevin K5KVN seeing if the hex beam would large enough to double as an umbrella. The answer: Yes.
- Andy K5PO
- Andy K5PO with the obligatory Gordo photo.
- Kevin K5KVN with the obligatory Gordo photo.
- Hiram Maxim (left) and Gary WBØRUR (right)
- Andy is THRILLED to meet Hiram!
- Kevin K5KVN tries to match Hiram’s stoic expression.
- Group shot with Hiram! Hey Hiram, where’s your Noise Blankers shirt, buddy?