The Noise Blankers believe that ham radio is immensely fun. Our mission is: 1) Do radio stuff; 2) Have fun doing it; and 3) Tell others just how much fun it is.
So, we bring you Ham Hijinks. It’s a new section of our website, dedicated to completely made up, satirical and hysterically funny news stories and internet memes related to amateur radio. We’ll add new stuff often. None of it is real. Or is it?
Please give it a read, come back often for new stories, share it, let us know what you think. It’s ok to make fun of ourselves, right?
Nice to see ham op's taking pokes at themselves. Way to many take this hobby to seriously, when it is supposed to be fun and interesting.
Thanks, Don! Our thoughts exactly! 73 – K5KVN
I like the idea of "Ham Hi Jinks", but feel there are a lot of real interesting ham related blurbs that would be interesting to read about. After nearly 60 years of hamming I have had or heard of numerous stories which might not be considered funny but interesting that i think a lot of hams would find interesting. ie: Polar bear trying to break into shack on Fletcher ice Island. And many others. Just a thought.
Ike, N3IK
I am deeply offended. This is serious business.
How much are your vests?
HiJinks is SUCH a hoot… thanx guys! Did ya'll drop the $3,500 annual dues at all? Is there a discount coupon available?