Another trip to Green Country Hamfest in Claremore, Oklahoma, is in the books. A good time was had a by all. And by “all”, we mean everyone but Nathan K5KAC. He had a special delivery coming to his house on Saturday so he stayed behind. K5PO, K5KVN, WBØRUR and K5OY pressed on.
This hamfest is consistently a good ‘fest. It has a nice flea market with good items, some vendors with new equipment, ample parking, restrooms with proper ventilation, a concession stand that opens early… AND BEER BEFORE 10:00 a.m.:

L to R: K5OY, a clock noting the time of day, K5PO and WBØRUR
We all picked up a few small items. Heck, K5OY might actually get on HF after purchasing a G5RV (no shame). We saw several hams from the Northwest Arkansas region who had made the trip and it was good to catch up with them.
After the hamfest, as any ham radio club worth its salt would do, we devastated the buffet at Golden Corral. But not before holding up the line while we took our #AKnightToRemember selfies:

See ya next year, Claremore!